CALENDAR イベントカレンダー

Understanding SDGs by Looking at Folk Costumes Around the Globe

団体名 / Group NAME

School of International Politics, Economics and Communication

開催場所・開催日時 / Venue, Date and Time of the Event


開催方式・対象者 / Project Seminar Format, Target Audience


企画概要 / Plan outline

iEARN Youth Project@SIPECでは、Folk costume around the globe というプロジェクトに参加し、日本の伝統衣装について学び、動画作成やルーマニアの学生への折り紙ワークショップなどを通して広める活動を行ってきました。
今回、Global Weekに参加するにあたって、これまで行ってきた活動を振り返り、ビデオにまとめたいと思います。
ビデオはサイトやYou Tubeへの投稿、大学での放映などを検討しており、ビデオを通して様々な人に私たちの活動やfolk costumeについて、知ってもらいたいです。

iEARN Youth Project @SIPEC participated in a project called “Folk Costumes Around the Globe” to learn about traditional Japanese costumes and to help disseminate the project through video production, and origami workshops for Romanian students.

For our participation in Global Week, we intend to look back on our activities so far and summarize them in a video.
Rather than just making reports on activities, we would also like to summarize the activities of our organization, such as the learning gained through interaction with Romanian students and information solicited from students from Japan and other countries.

We are considering posting videos on websites and YouTube, and broadcasting at universities. We hope that through our videos people will find interest in, and learn about, folk costumes and our activities.

Please join us at the following URL.