CALENDAR イベントカレンダー

Online Exchange Report

団体名 / Group NAME

Junior High School International Exchange Committee

開催場所・開催日時 / Venue, Date and Time of the Event


開催方式・対象者 / Project Seminar Format, Target Audience


企画概要 / Plan outline


・オーストラリア ILC(Immanuel Lutheran College)校
・韓国 梨花女子大学附属中学校
・中国 北京大学附属中学校 


In response to the prolonged restrictions on overseas travel, this school year we launched an online exchange program for second-and third-year students in secondary schools.

The following three institutions are all prestigious and traditional schools.

・Australia, Immanuel Lutheran College
・Korea, Ewha Kumnan Middle School
・China, The Affiliated High School of Peking University

We hold exchange programs with ILC students who are learning daily Japanese conversation. As part of a mutual learning position between Japanese and English, we communicate regularly via video letters using both languages.

Students have exchanges with both Chinese and Korean schools by setting themes of their own interest, creating visual materials such as pictures and photographs and manuscripts of about 200 words. After memorizing the manuscripts in advance, the students give presentations and take time for Q&A between each other. We will exhibit the results of the first exchanges with China and Korea that we conducted in June.

Each student who participated in the event made their own preparations. With the cooperation of the college chat room, students repeatedly practiced for the actual speech. It seems that there was much to gain from each day of exchange.