CALENDAR イベントカレンダー
Published: 2022.09.07
- #大学
Let’sthink about food waste.
団体名 / Group NAME
Global Week学生スタッフ
Global Week Student Staff
企画概要 / Plan outline
9月30日 10時30分~(なくなり次第終了)
By distributing near-expired stock of emergency food meant for disaster prevention in school and distributing leaflets describing the food loss situation in Japan as a whole based on the food waste situation in one's immediate surroundings, we will create an opportunity to think deeply about food waste in an area where many people live, including not only students but also Aoyama Gakuin teachers.
[Date and time]
September 30: 10:30-(Finish time is as soon as the food runs out)
Along Ginkgo trees at the main gate (tent booths)
[Target participents]
Anyone is welcome
※As of September 2022, we have implemented restrictions on entry to help stop the spread of COVID-19 infection.